Archive for August, 2010

Practitioner Share

Less Reiki was involved this time and more exploration of different concepts and applying them in reference to the lives of the participants. This blog is more of a post script than a summary.


There was much discussion as well as sharing two new Reiki books by Frans & Bronwen Stiene & some new Color Wisdom Cards by Tori Hartman. The concepts seemed to be around putting pieces together about mindset, personal evolutionary journeys, and balance.

Probably the biggest concept that needs reinforcing is that of Allowing!

  • Allowing for your individual thought processes: There was a journey that took you to your conclusions & codes for life conduct.
  • Allowing for evolution: Where you are is not the beginning or the end & each person is in an evolutionary process at their own pace.
  • Allowing for personal pace: If you see the ‘need’ to bridge someone else to another place / space / reality, the issue is yours – not theirs. Your job is actually in evaluating your personal congruence and the choices / actions that will flow out of that.
  • Allowing for multiple ‘right’ answers: Your beliefs are true to you and you empower them… but be aware that there is ALWAYS (and you know how rarely I use this word) more perspectives, which are equally right.
  • Allowing for other’s choices: We ALL have free will. That you would choose differently for another says nothing and only creates stress on you (worry). There are choices that are more or less in alignment with the maximum ease & grace, but that is an individual choice.
  • Allowing the power of observation: Noticing is more powerful than judging. Witnessing is more powerful than picking up potential realities. Curious compassion is more powerful than (trying to) creating a healing.
  • Allowing for time: This is one of the most powerful tools we have here in 3D. Time gives us perspective, distance, a way to align the All in space so we aren’t overwhelmed…
  • Allowing for multiple tiers of reality / existence: We can’t know it all… Put another way, at least 99+% of people think they know more than they actually do and wield that information often carelessly and sometimes dangerously. (That fraction of a % represents a reality I’ve heard of that is bordering on myth and definitely very deep within esoteric philosophy, but is not to be discounted or written off.) The key here isn’t a ‘reality check’, it’s humility for what is beyond our comprehension.

Qualities such as Patience, Hope, Compassion, Good Will, Endurance, Perseverance, and Faith will serve you better than anything else in accepting where you’ve been, where you are & where you will go in your life.

Pause, get quiet and center in on Your Inner Truth. When you think you are there, pause again & go deeper. If it still feels like you know anything ~ You aren’t there yet! Listen… It will sound like Joy. Rest there ~ and Allow.

The flow of choice / action will seem to be clearer & more obvious even if you are worried about making decisions from this kind of place and it doesn’t seem easy. That could be considered a characteristic of ‘ease’ versus ‘easy’ when referencing inwardly and considering the outward effect on your life and those around you.

Thanks to all who attended the event for gifts of growth, sharing & community.

Mobile Office: Continuum

I adore Emilie Conrad. If forced to pick my favorite interview, it would be the first call I did with her on Continuum Movement. I had no clue what she was about ~ and I’m still learning.

Moving Medicine

Nina & Emilie

There is a lot that goes on ‘behind the curtain’ at the mobile office and it’s usually going on at a pretty staccato pace. This last weekend the pace of the mobile office came head-to-head with Emilie Conrad’s Moving Medicine class hosted here in Calgary by Shirley McMillan.

When faced with only one option: Slow Downmy body rebelled for all it was worth. The random muscle spasms that occurred from just laying down were shocking. It’s like the tension didn’t know where to go and so it jumped from body part to body part trying to activate my slowly decompressing system.

I’m not under any illusions that the issue of being wound up has been ‘cured,’ but I have some very good clues (to take a cue from Emilie’s approach at being a CSI: Cosmic Scene Inspector) as to what will help – and for that, I’m beyond grateful.

Another less anticipated benefit of the class was the experience of the Deep Honor that was held by my fellow participants. It was tangible and something I would consider Sacred. These gentle souls were There, each present for themselves and the others.

Emilie is an inspiration in her mission to empower others to find their own flow, expression and ultimate connection with the vastness of life through fluid movement and an honoring of our evolutionary heritage.

For more info:
LOH: Blog on Emilie’s interviews
Subscribe to LOH to purchase these audios

Mobile office: Heading for the Hills

Looking Up the Hill

Well, the confession is that a year of sitting added 10 lbs to my ‘bottom line.’ I refuse to buy new clothes because I was too focused on work to notice my shape change.

Fitness Challenge

I love hills. I love stairs. I think it is my ‘inner mountain-goat’ looking for fulfillment!

I took a break because of comments Emilie Conrad made about ‘forward thrust’ type of movement on her first LOH interview, but it’s still fun! She’ll probably give me some ‘what-for’ when I see her for her course here in Calgary next week. 🙂

Me & My Youngest

After staring at the computer all day, it clears the mind, moves the circulation and balances the energies coming from decisions, deadlines & new ideas.

A friend recently engaged me in a ‘fitness challenge.’ We have yet to hash out the details, but it will likely involve 10 lbs & willpower. Are you in?

The picture on the upper right better reflects the grade since the picture on the left makes it look pretty wimpy. I plod up the hill for ‘endurance training’ and my son sprints up the hill for ‘power training.’

Nina on Mop Up

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

In the past, some doubt has been extended as to my resume.

At the best fitness level of my life, I was a ski coach, competitive tennis player (some badminton) and did mop-up in forest fire fighting. It seems to be the forest fire fighting that throws people, so I dug out an old photo taken on a burn by my old crew boss ‘Huffy.’

It’s a photo of a photo and so isn’t the greatest quality, but you can see that I even have the same haircut! I remember telling true ghost stories occasionally on the overnight burns.

Thank you August Tel-Event

Currency in friendship, working relationships, romantic relationships… for the purchase of needs & wants… as perceived value of self & others… varies!


Energy is designed to move and flow and relates to our topic of currency in every way. Hoarding & clutter or lack of honor & superficial motivation lead to stagnation and fulfillment.

Of course there are many other currencies than money. Currency can be considered:

  • As a reference point for practical purposes
  • As a value system for personal purposes

Your motivation and inner awareness are key. It is interesting to note the different currencies in different circumstances: family, friends, work… humanity.

Currencies evolve through your life in archetypal terms:

  • Children: Fun
  • Teens: Freedom
  • Adults: (?) What is your currency?

There are different currencies for your different roles in the world (comparative currencies of 4D) and yet, the primary and single most important currency comes from your deepest identity where you also achieve fulfillment & peace.

Barbara: De-clutter & simplify
Nina: Note someone else’s currency and see how to honor that and be true to yourself at the same time. blog in this call
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