Archive for February, 2010


Two Audio-on-Demand lectures have been posted for general release.

Initial Offering

  1. The Context: A Practical Approach to Metaphysics
  2. Managing 4D: Time, Roles & Emotions

These informational audios were recorded live in 2009 and are now available for instant download.

They are timeless companion audios that dovetail with each other.

Either one may be completed first although The Context was recorded first and Managing 4D second at the request of the original attendees who wanted more detailed information.

They are both extensive offerings which were designed for the beginner ~ however, feedback indicated that someone with more advanced understanding would be well positioned to enfold the knowledge.

Click HERE to find them on the Learning page. (Scroll down)

Practitioner Share

Selection of Cards

This was a fantastic afternoon! We worked in free-flow with quite a rapport with each other and the energies.

The Clean Slate

There was conversation, healing, theory testing, cards, food and laughter.

2 of the Practitioners

The conversation and work flowed circularly, which I love, around the individual, the purpose, and Unity.

The theme consistently returned to:

  • Perception / Perspective: Having no preconceptions
  • The Moment: Versus past / future and our choosing place
  • Action: The rubber hits the road
  • The Higher Vision: The ‘Why’ of it All
  • Empowered Surrender: Willingness for unfoldment

Our conclusions:

We have hopes, but no attachment to what may be.
We have memories, but no judgement as to what that means now.
Sometimes a ‘vacation’ is the best way to take action.

Gratitude Offering

Ready for Fun

Ready for Fun

Selection of Cards


There is no place that is safe from work! The mobile office was in my car the other day.

The Mobile Office is Everywhere

Remember when I mentioned that my oldest son was getting his Snow Park Certification? Well, he had to get to the hill early and so I did the first pre-record for the Spirit & Energy series in a parking lot in Banff, Alberta on Feb 16.

This is quite auspicious because sites within Banff National Park are considered Sacred to Archangel Michael. I couldn’t have asked for a better tone to be set!

Someone caught this pic of my son flying along in the background, doing a 360. It was a couple of weeks prior to his course, but you get the idea.

There was a time in my life when I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t fly. That doesn’t seem to bother him.

Thank you. Feb Tel-Event

Barbara and I discussed Gratitude from the physical feelings, the emotional feelings and the mental thought processes. We related this to the impact on your personal electro-magnetic field and the dynamic of attraction.

Gratitude and…

  • Consumerism
  • Responsibility
  • Personal perspectives
  • Self assessment

What does deep Gratitude feel like?

Well, I went into a spontaneous short meditative exercise that can be used again and again for the development of that sense.

What happens with deep Gratitude?

We both shared that some our deepest intuitive leaps forward came hand-in-hand with a gratitude experience… but if that is not your path, it can be experienced through music, athletics, science, relationships…


Because it is a foundational component to soul growth.


** The potential result of each person being fully present in gratitude is World Peace.

If you can’t fathom that, just make a project of expressing Gratitude within your Community ~ that is the homework for this month!

Reiki III

Reiki III intensive weekend was a generous expression of Spirit.

These ladies shared and absorbed information in an open hearted way. They brought their diverse experiences and enfolded new techniques. They learned how to pass healing attunements as well as degree attunements and now perform psychic surgery with skill and perceptive discernment.

Congratulations on your following your hearts and developing your skills. You are all wonderfully gifted! Thank you!

A Free Gift For You
Ever Wonder Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work? Free Audio Intro to the REAL metaphysical laws (value $27)
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